Saturday, October 22, 2011

挑戰 Cheesecake Factory's Spicy Chicken Chipotle Pasta

Special Request 
 Chipotle Chicken Pasta

ㄅㄨㄅㄨ說他想吃Chipotle Chicken Pasta,那就來挑戰 Cheesecake Factory Spicy Chicken Chipotle Pasta吧!! (其實我喜歡吃的啦~ 辣+CREAMY的味道 *#.#*)我每次去 Cheesecake Factory 都點這道菜。因為是自己煮,所以奶油就省略掉了&鮮奶油改成牛奶。一樣好吃同時也健康許多!

洋蔥 onion
大蒜,小丁 garlice
酒 cooking wine
甜椒條 sweet pepper strips
蘆筍段 asparagus
雞肉,切細條 chicken
油 oil
牛奶 cream
帕馬森起司 Parmesan cheese
Chipotle醬 ( 熏製jalapeño墨西哥辣椒)
蜂蜜 honey 
鹽 salt
黑胡椒 black pepper
Oregano 奧里根香粉
Paprika/Cayenne 紅辣椒粉
蔥花 green onion
意大利麵 pasta
  1. 平底加油把雞肉灑鹽&黑胡椒煎到7分熟,拿出備用 season chicken with salt and pepper, cook half way through, take it out of the pan
  2. 鍋子不用洗,把洋蔥軟 cook the onion until soft
  3. 甜椒條&蘆筍炒半熟 add sweet pepper strips and asparagus
  4. 鍋中火加牛奶,大蒜丁,&香料 in a sauce pot add cream, garlic, and spices
  5. 牛奶滾時,邊攪拌邊下起司 when the cream boils slowly add Parmesan cheese, mix until creamy
  6. 加入Chipotle醬&蜂蜜  *還要攪拌 mix in chipotle sauce and honey into the creamy sauce
  7. 另外一個鍋子煮水,一匙鹽 at the same time boil water in another big pot for cooking pasta
  8. 水大開時意大利麵,煮到7分熟 cook the pasta until it el dante
  9. 意大利麵撈到平底鍋裡和洋蔥,甜椒條,蘆筍段,雞肉,牛奶起司醬一起翻炒 add pasta, creamy sauce, chicken, and veggies cook for few min
  10. 裝盤時灑上蔥花 sprinkle green onions and tortilla strips on top


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