Wednesday, October 12, 2011

牛丼 Gyu-don


火鍋牛肉片 thinly sliced beef (use hot pot beef if you can find it at your local Asian store)
洋蔥 onion, thinly sliced
芝麻 sesame
蔥花 leek
醬油 green onion
味霖 mirin
酒 rice wine
水 water
飯 rice
七味粉 Nanami Togarashi
  1. 洋蔥切絲炒軟 cook thinly sliced onion until soft
  2. 把牛肉片一片一片鋪在洋蔥上 lay beef slices on the cooked onion
  3. 灑上醬油,味霖,&酒 add soy sauce, mirin, and rice wine 
  4. 拌炒,加水煮到牛肉熟    *想豪華一點的話可以加顆蛋~ add some water and stir-fry until the beef is done, add an egg at the very end if you want to be extravagant :P 
  5. 蓋在飯上,灑蔥花,芝麻,&七味粉 top the beef mixture on a bowl of rice, sprinkle green onion, sesame, and Nanami Togarashi

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